The ketogenic diet has been in the spotlight recently for its potential health benefits and its ability to help people lose weight. Although the low-carb lifestyle is now being embraced by people around the world, including celebrities and health gurus, it has been the center of controversy for many decades.
Initially, it was believed that the ketogenic lifestyle caused heart disease and raised cholesterol because of its high fat content. Today, scientific studies have shown that low-carb diets offer many health benefits.
But in order to enjoy these benefits, you have to follow the diet properly and avoid some of the most common mistakes people make when going keto.
The Health Benefits of Keto and Common Mistakes to Avoid
The ketogenic lifestyle offers many health benefits, including:
Appetite Suppression
What’s the biggest problem with conventional diets? They leave you feeling hungry. The keto diet isn’t really meant to be a diet in the traditional sense (it’s more of a lifestyle), but it’s a way of eating that will leave you feeling satiated for longer than diets rich in carbohydrates.
Studies show that when people eat more protein and fat, they tend to eat fewer calories. Protein takes longer for the body to break down and absorb, so you feel fuller for longer. Fat slows digestion, decreases appetite and increases fullness.
Mistake to avoid: Eating hidden carbs. There are many foods that appear to be low-carb, but really aren’t – like sauces, condiments and salad dressings. Consuming too many of these foods can completely negate the appetite suppression effects of the ketogenic diet.
Aids in Weight Loss
A low-carb diet is one of the simplest and most effective ways to lose weight. Even when restricting calories, studies have found that people on low-carb diets lose weight faster than those on low-fat diets.
It takes more work to convert fat to energy. Both fat and protein leave you feeling fuller for longer, so you naturally consume fewer calories.
The body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, which is an immediate source of energy. Any excess glucose is stored in the liver or converted into fat which is stored in adipose tissue. When you lower your carbohydrate intake, you minimize this effect, which further accelerates your weight loss.
Mistake to avoid: Assuming you can eat as much as you want as long as it’s high in fat. Many people assume that you don’t have to track your macros when on keto as long as you’re making sure that you’re eating high-fat foods. But if you take in more calories than you burn, you’ll wind up gaining weight.
Lower Blood Sugar and Insulin
The keto diet is often recommended to people suffering with diabetes and insulin resistance. Studies have shown that reducing carbs lowers insulin and blood sugar levels significantly.
In fact, in one study, people with type 2 diabetes lowered their carbohydrate intake, and 95% either eliminated or reduced their glucose-lowering medication in just six months.
Mistake to avoid: Snacking too much and eating too many keto sweets. Some people think it’s okay to indulge in keto-friendly desserts and sweets because they use sugar substitutes and the net carb count is low. However, these sweets are often high in calories and their sweet taste may trigger cravings for carbohydrates.